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References and Links to Papers

Santoro M, Mazzetti P, Nativi S. (2020) The VLab Framework: An Orchestrator Component to Support Data to Knowledge Transition. Remote Sensing. 12(11):1795, DOI:


Giuliani, G., Mazzetti, P., Santoro, M., Nativi, S., Bemmelen, J., Colangeli, G., Lehmann, A. (2020). Knowledge generation using satellite earth observations to support sustainable development goals (SDG): A use case on Land degradation. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 88. 102068. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2020.102068


Giuliani, G., Mazzetti, P., Santoro, M., Nativi, S., Bemmelen, J., Colangeli, G., Lehmann, A. (2020). From Data to Knowledge using the GEOSS platform to support Sustainable Development Goals. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 509. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/509/1/012020


Santoro, M., Mazzetti, P., Spadaro, N., Nativi, S. (2020) Supporting Multi-cloud Model Execution with VLab. EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13518,


Mazzetti, P., Nativi, S., and Wang, C. (2020) Digital Earth in a Transformed Society, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-5756,


Bigagli, L., Salzano, R., and Olivieri, M. (2020) NoiseCap: a citizen science experiment to raise awareness of noise environments with cell phones, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-22523,


Lehmann, Anthony & Masó, Joan & Nativi, Stefano & Giuliani, Gregory. (2020) Towards integrated essential variables for sustainability. International Journal of Digital Earth. 13. 158-165. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2019.1636490


Giuliani, G., Chatenoux, B., Benvenuti, A., Lacroix, P., Santoro, M., Mazzetti, M. (2020) Monitoring land degradation at national level using satellite Earth Observation time-series data to support SDG15 – exploring the potential of data cube, Big Earth Data, 4:1, 3-22, DOI: 10.1080/20964471.2020.1711633


Giuliani G, Masó J, Mazzetti P, Nativi S, Zabala A. (2019) Paving the Way to Increased Interoperability of Earth Observations Data Cubes. Data, 4(3), 113;


Nativi, Stefano & Santoro, Mattia & Giuliani, Gregory & Mazzetti, Paolo. (2019) Towards a knowledge base to support global change policy goals. International Journal of Digital Earth. 1-29. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2018.1559367


Lehmann, Anthony & Nativi, Stefano & Mazzetti, Paolo & Masó, Joan & Serral, Ivette & Spengler, Daniel & Niamir, Aidin & Mccallum, Ian & Lacroix, Pierre & Patias, Petros & Rodila, Denisa & Ray, Nicolas & Giuliani, Gregory. (2019) GEOEssential -mainstreaming workflows from data sources to environment policy indicators with essential variables. International Journal of Digital Earth. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2019.1585977


McCallum, Ian & Montzka, Carsten & Bayat, Bagher & Kollet, Stefan & Kolotii, Andrii & Kussul, Nataliia & Lavreniuk, Mykola & Lehmann, Anthony & Masó, Joan & Mazzetti, Paolo & Mosnier, Aline & Perracchione, Emma & Putti, Mario & Santoro, Mattia & Serral, Ivette & Shumilo, Leonid & Spengler, Daniel & Fritz, Steffen. (2019). Developing food, water and energy nexus workflows. International Journal of Digital Earth. 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2019.1626921


Müller, M & Czarnota, J & Mazzetti, Paolo & Petit, G & Nativi, S., ENERGIC-OD: How a pan-European Virtual Hub eases the use of open data. ZFV - Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement. 143. 166-171.


Santoro, M., Andres, V., Jirka, S., Koike, T., Looser, U., Nativi, S., Pappenberger, F., Schlummer, M., Strauch, A., Utech, M., Zsoter, E., Interoperability challenges in river discharge modelling: A cross domain application scenario (2018), Computers & Geosciences, 115, 66-74, DOI:


Craglia, M., Nativi, S., Mind the Gap: Big Data vs. Interoperability and Reproducibility of Science, In book: P.-P. Mathieu, C. Aubrecht (eds.), Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation (2018), ISSI Scientific Report Series 15, DOI:


Nativi, S., Provenzale, A. Comprehensive and Coordinated Approach of GEOSS to Ecosystem Challenges, In: Chabbi A., Loescher H.W. (Eds.) Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures: Challenges, New developments and Perspectives (2017). CRC Press, Boca Raton, 369–398, DOI:


Bigagli, L., Nativi, S., Mobilising data, In book: Open Data and the Knowledge Society (2017), 121-140, DOI:


Nativi, S., Mazzetti, P., Craglia, M. 2017. A View-based Model of Data-Cube to support Big Earth Data systems interoperability (2017), Big Earth Data, DOI:


Craglia, M., Hradec, J., Nativi, S., Santoro, M. (2017), Exploring the depths of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems, Big Earth Data Journal, DOI:


Mazzetti, P., Puglisi, G., D’Auria, L., Roncella, R., Reitano, D., Merenda, R., Nativi, S., (2017), The MED-SUV virtual research environment for enabling the GEO Geohazard supersites in Italy, (2017) Earth Science Informatics, pp. 1-13, â€‹ DOI:


Giuliani, G., Nativi, S., Obregon, A., Beniston, M., Lehmann, A., (2017), Spatially enabling the Global Framework for Climate Services: Reviewing geospatial solutions to efficiently share and integrate climate data & information, (2017) Climate Services, DOI:


Nativi , S., The ENERGIC-OD project (French & English) (2017), Géomatique Expert, N° 117-Juillet-Août, pp. 29 - 33


Giuliani, G; Lacroix, P; Guigoz, Y; Roncella, R; Bigagli, L; Santoro, M; Mazzetti, P; Nativi, S; et. Al., (2017), Bringing GEOSS Services into Practice: A Capacity Building Resource on Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), TRANSACTIONS IN GIS; Vol. 21; N. 4; pp. 811-824, DOI:


Tarantino, C; Lovergine, F; Niphadkar, M; Lucas, R; Nativi, S; Blonda, P; (2016) Towards Operational Detection of Forest Ecosystem Changes in Protected Areas (2016), REMOTE SENSING; Vol. 8, N. 10, DOI : 10.3390/rs8100850


Santoro, M., Nativi, S., Mazzetti, P. Contributing to the GEO Model Web implementation: A brokering service for business processes (2016) Environmental Modelling and Software, 84, pp. 18-34. DOI:


Mazzetti, P., Roncella, R., Mihon, D., Bacu, V., Lacroix, P., Guigoz, Y., Ray, N., Giuliani, G., Gorgan, D., Nativi, S. Integration of data and computing infrastructures for earth science: an image mosaicking use-case (2016) Earth Science Informatics, pp. 1-18.. DOI:


Mazzetti, P., Latre, M.A., Bauer, M., Brumana, R., Braumann, S., Nativi, S. Energic-OD virtual hubs: A brokered architecture for facilitating Open Data sharing and use (2016) eChallenges e-2015 Conference Proceedings, art. no. 7441080. DOI:


Lovison, L., Parodi, L., Monett, A., Dueñas, P., Frye, S., Nativi, S., Santoro, M. A GEOSS architecture implementation pilot project for disasters in Chile (2016) Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 82 (2), pp. 79-85. DOI:


Baumann, P., Mazzetti, P., Ungar, J., Barbera, R., Barboni, D., Beccati, A., Bigagli, L., Boldrini, E., Bruno, R., Calanducci, A., Campalani, P., Clements, O., Dumitru, A., Grant, M., Herzig, P., Kakaletris, G., Laxton, J., Koltsida, P., Lipskoch, K., Mahdiraji, A.R., Mantovani, S., Merticariu, V., Messina, A., Misev, D., Natali, S., Nativi, S., Oosthoek, J., Pappalardo, M., Passmore, J., Rossi, A.P., Rundo, F., Sen, M., Sorbera, V., Sullivan, D., Torrisi, M., Trovato, L., Veratelli, M.G., Wagner, S. Big Data Analytics for Earth Sciences: the EarthServer approach (2015) International Journal of Digital Earth, 9 (1), pp. 3- 29. DOI:


Pirrone, N., Cinnirella, S., Nativi, S., Sprovieri, F., Hedgecock, I.M. ERA-PLANET the European network for observing our changing PLANET (2016) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 41, pp. 1349-1355. DOI:


Bigagli, L., Santoro, M., Mazzetti, P., Nativi, S. Architecture of a process broker for interoperable geospatial modeling on the web (2015) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4 (2), pp. 647-660. DOI:


Nativi, S., Mazzetti, P., Santoro, M., Papeschi, F., Craglia, M., Ochiai, O. Big Data challenges in building the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (2015) Environmental Modelling and Software, 68, pp. 1-26. DOI:


Boldrini, E., Luzi, D., Nativi, S., Pecoraro, F. Harmonising CERIF and INSPIRE metadata models to support multidisciplinary data sharing (2015) International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 10 (2), pp. 139-153. DOI:


Chen, D., Van Sinderen, M., De Sabbata, P., Young, B., Zelm, M., Hofman, W., Ramaekers, J., Shishkov, B., Ivanov, I., Karnouskos, S., Nativi, S., Folmer, E., Gani, A., Iacob, M., Kosanke, K., Van Maanen, T. International program committee (2015) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1414


Boldrini, E., Craglia, M., Mazzetti, P., Nativi, S. The brokering approach for enabling collaborative scientific research (2014) Collaborative Knowledge in Scientific Research Networks, pp. 283-304. DOI:


Lehmann, A., Giuliani, G., Ray, N., Rahman, K., Abbaspour, K.C., Nativi, S., Craglia, M., Cripe, D., Quevauviller, P., Beniston, M. Reviewing innovative Earth observation solutions for filling science-policy gaps in hydrology (2014) Journal of Hydrology, 518 (PB), pp. 267-277. DOI:


Boldrini, E., Luzi, D., Nativi, S., Pecoraro, F. Integrating CERIF entities in a multidisciplinary e-infrastructure for environmental research data (2014) Procedia Computer Science, 33, pp. 183-190. DOI:


Nativi, S., Mazzetti, P., Craglia, M., Pirrone, N. The GEOSS solution for enabling data interoperability and integrative research (2014) Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (6), pp. 4177-4192. DOI:


Wessels, B., Finn, R.L., Linde, P., Mazzetti, P., Nativi, S., Riley, S., Smallwood, R., Taylor, M.J., Tsoukala, V., Wadhwa, K., Wyatt, S. Issues in the development of open access to research data (2014) Prometheus (United Kingdom), 32 (1), pp.49-66. DOI:


Nativi, S., Craglia, M., Pearlman, J. Earth science infrastructures interoperability: The brokering approach (2013) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6 (3), art. no. 6506981, pp. 1118-1129. DOI:


Nativi, S., Mazzetti, P., Geller, G.N. Environmental model access and interoperability: The GEO Model Web initiative (2013) Environmental Modelling and Software, 39, pp. 214-228. DOI:


Bastin, L., Cornford, D., Jones, R., Heuvelink, G.B.M., Pebesma, E., Stasch, C., Nativi, S., Mazzetti, P., Williams, M. Managing uncertainty in integrated environmental modelling: The UncertWeb framework (2013) Environmental Modelling and Software, 39, pp. 116-134. DOI:


Santoro, M., Mazzetti, P., Nativi, S., Fugazza, C., Granell, C., Diaz, L. Methodologies for augmented discovery of geospatial resources (2012) Discovery of Geospatial Resources: Methodologies, Technologies, and Emergent Applications, pp. 172-203. DOI:


Nativi, S., Craglia, M., Geller, G., Jackson, M., Khalsa, S.J.S. Foreword to the special issue on interoperability architectures and arrangements for multi-disciplinary earth observation systems and applications (2012) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5 (6), art. no. 6383185, pp. 1591-1593. DOI:


Salas, F.R., Boldrini, E., Maidment, D.R., Nativi, S., Domenico, B. Crossing the digital divide: An interoperable solution for sharing time series and coverages in Earth sciences (2012) Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 12 (10), pp. 3013-3029. DOI:


Craglia, M., Nativi, S. Towards a framework for Harmony (2012) GEO: connexion, 11 (9), pp. 36-37.


Giuliani, G., Nativi, S., Lehmann, A., Ray, N. WPS mediation: An approach to process geospatial data on different computing backends (2012) Computers and Geosciences, 47, pp. 20-33. DOI:


Vaccari, L., Craglia, M., Fugazza, C., Nativi, S., Santoro, M. Integrative research: The EuroGEOSS experience (2012) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5 (6), art. no. 6187671, pp. 1603- 1611. DOI:


Mazzetti, P., Nativi, S. Multidisciplinary interoperability for earth observations: Some architectural issues (2012) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5 (3), art. no. 6184335, pp. 1054-1059. DOI:


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