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7th Digital Earth Summit (DES-2018), 17 - 19 April, El Jadida, Morocco
The 7th Digital Earth Summit (DES-2018) under the overarching theme “The Digital Earth for Sustainable Development in Africa” has just...

3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop - Frascati - The final agenda is online!
Don't miss the chance to join the 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop which, from 2-4 May 2018 at the European Space Agency in Frascati,...

SASMAC delegation visit
The Florence Division of CNR-IIA has been pleased to host delegates of SASMAC, the Satellite Surveying and Mapping Application Center of...

Download the new Brochure of Florence Division!
The brand new brochure of the Florence Division is now available for downloading. Click here!

New Head of Florence Division!
Since March 1st, Paolo Mazzetti is the new head of Florence Division. Paolo Mazzetti holds a degree in Electronic Engineering and began...

Visiting researchers at CNR-IIA Florence Division
Anthony Lehman, coordinator of the GEOEssential project, Gregory Giuliani, WP leader, and Denisa Rodila, project manager, from University...

DAB4EDGE Kick-off Meeting, Feb. 16, 2018
The Kick-Off meeting of the DAB4EDGE (short for GEOSS Discovery and Access Broker support for EuropeanDirection in GEOSS Common...

Fifth edition of the session on: "Open Data, Reproducible Research, and Open Science” at EGU 20
At the next General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018), we organize the fifth edition of the...

From GCI towards a GEOSS Platform to better serve data users
The latest progress on implementation of the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS) was highlighted at GEO Week 2017, during...

A multilingual pan European Virtual Hub web site was developed
Within the framework of the ENERGIC OD Project, an agreement with ESA allowed to implement the pan-European Virtual Hub data portal using...
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